Feminine Magic: Your Infradian Rhythm

Your Infradian rhythm:
The could be the reason no new diet or strict fitness routine has worked out for you. 

This is because these strict ways of being are based on following the same protocol everyday, the same for women & men. By doing this women create more imbalance & as for science more than 90% is based on men's biology.

Your infradian rhythm is the rhythm your menstrual cycle flows to. The other cycle is the circadian rhythm (sleep and wake cycle) and the cycles externally connected to us, the lunar/seasonal cycles.


Women have a 28-35 day Infradian rhythm

Beginning with menstruation our winter and deepest yin time, expanding into spring our follicular phase and summer our most yang time in our ovulation phase, through to autumn in our luteal phase and returning again to the rebirth of our bleed. Understanding and reconnecting with this rhythm has had a profound effect on my health and the health of my friends & those I work with. Your cycle is your inner magic, it is time to access this magic and return home to your body.

Men in contrast have a 24-hour biological clock

This is why our society is built on a 24-hour cycle. Around 7 - 10am testosterone is at its highest, perfect for taking meetings, working out, and being highly productive, and it's at its lowest in the evening ready to curl up on the couch and watch a movie, day in, day out, repeat.

The female body couldn’t operate more differently but even so we try and fit ourselves to this repeated β€œdaily routine” and wonder why we’re out of balance.



If you take away anything from this page, take away this:

β€œI release the pressure to show up in the world the same everyday, I embrace my seasons as I ebb & flow through life”



What changes in your physical body throughout your cycle?

  • Metabolism & Endocrine systems

  • Brain, memory and cognitive function

  • Immune modulation

  • Gut health & microbiome variation

  • Reproductive fluctuations

  • Nervous system & your stress responses

  • Spiritual connection and connection to the world around you 


Learn how to use your cyclical nature as a superpower for..

  • Natural hormonal balance

  • Relief from PMS & menstrual related mental health issues

  • Reclaiming your birth right as a cyclical being & a deeper connection to yourself

  • Feeling empowered by knowing and choosing what supports your body best throughout the month

  • Learning what nutritional demands your body has through out your cycle and what vitamins & minerals we need to support healthy hormones

  • Educate yourself on how to work out for hormone balance

  • Support your fertility

  • Learn how to achieve more with less stress

  • Reconnect with yourself, come home to your body & get off the stress hormone rollercoaster.


We don’t just experience a cycle every month, we are our cycle, our hormones are our outward expression into the world so embrace them, understand how to harmonize them, live in alignment with your biology instead of against it.

If you want to do the deep dive into how your infradian Rhythm affects your body and how to optimize your life through living cyclically I recommend downloading my eBook below.

Return home to your body & discover your most vibrant wellbeing x


With love in vibrant health,


Mushrooms: TCM tonics reserved for kings


Hormone Disharmony & Liver Detoxification