Hormone Disharmony & Liver Detoxification

Why is Liver detoxification important and what does it have to do with your hormones? 

Your blood comes into the liver carrying with it toxins, it’s your Liver’s role to break down these toxins through its 2 phase detoxification process. Each process requires different vitamins, minerals & cofactors and they are listed on the diagram above. If Liver detoxification isn’t optimal these toxins accumulate, circulate and store in your tissues.


The Liver's Role in Hormonal Balance

The liver is a multifunctional organ responsible for clearing toxins from the bloodstream and metabolizing hormones. It breaks down hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone so if you have an issue with any of these.. You probably have a Liver issue. If you’ve been on hormonal birth control you’ll definitely want to give your liver some extra love with the tools at the end of this article

Liver Detoxification

Liver detoxification occurs in two phases. Phase one involves the use of enzymes to break down toxins from the bloodstream, phase two neutralizes these toxins so we can excrete them through sweat, urine & stool.


Signs your Liver needs some love:

  • Inflammatory skin issues such as Acne, Eczema, Rosacea, Perioral Dermatitis & Psoriasis

  • Waking frequently at night or always around 1-3am

  • Irregular menstrual cycles, mood swings, and fertility issues can signal hormonal disruption due to inefficient liver detoxification

  • Fatigue: Persistent fatigue and low energy levels can result from the burden of toxins on the liver, hindering its ability to perform essential functions.

  • Digestive Issues: Bloating, constipation, or diarrhea may occur when the liver struggles to metabolize fats and produce bile.

  • Weight Gain: Difficulty losing weight or unexplained weight gain can be linked to imbalances in hormones regulated by the liver.

  • Chronic gut issues that haven’t been fixed regardless of trying what feels like everything. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine & the Liver

In TCM we see the organ systems as all related and all equally important but the Liver is often given much more attention. The reason for this is because in modern life the Liver is affected by our lifestyles, stress and repressed emotions, this combination creates a huge amount of imbalance in the body. In my clinic it is rare to see someone without a Liver disharmony, Liver qi (energy) stagnation from stress, frustration & overwork, Liver fire often from anger, suppressed emotions & alcoholism, Liver blood deficiency from a diet lacking in nutrients or poor digestive health, Liver heat from diet, lifestyle and stress. No matter who you are, your liver probably needs some love.


A herbalist’s tips to care for your Liver

  • Consume Cholagogue foods - these are foods that support detoxification and also the release of bile from the gallbladder, your Livers detox sidekick. These foods include: Garlic, Turmeric, Dandelion greens, Fennel, Artichokes, Apples, Beets, Radishes, Citrus & Carrots.

  • “Eat the organ you want to heal” - consuming grass fed beef liver provides a huge amount of the vitamins and minerals needed for functioning of a healthy liver, read my article about methylation & liver health here.

  • Process & express anger and frustration don’t store it - every emotion we don’t move through we store in our body, anger, resentment and frustration have an affinity for the Liver. However you need to process these feelings, just do it, your whole body will thank you. 

  • Sometimes we can’t escape life's stresses but we can build our resilience to stress - try and have a regular sleep schedule, nourish yourself fully, don’t skip meals or overexercise, listen to your body, adopt a cyclical lifestyle, include stress management tools like meditation, long walks, journaling, tapping and breathwork into your life.

  • Sip on some tea - there are a few teas that your liver loves: Nettle, Peppermint, Milk Thistle, Dandelion, Camomile & Rose.

  • See a Herbalist - and get some extra support, plants play a potent role in Liver healing.


If you still need some love, reach out to a holistic practitioner, try some herbs, emotional release or invest in some relaxation, you deserve it and your body will truly thank you.

To dive deeper into your hormones feels free to email the clinic and join our 1:1 waitlist clinic@georgiamaegibbs.com

With love in vibrant health,


Feminine Magic: Your Infradian Rhythm


Skin issues? Methylation matters