Sugar-free Collagen Acai Bowl


As you probably know, my love for Acai is real!

It’s one of my favourite things to whip up and was something that I was able to eat no matter how I was using food as medicine as it is both candida and FODMAP safe. However often when I ordered it out it was too sweet , and the texture was too icy. 

This recipe switches banana for avocado with a higher ratio of acai to water to give you a creamy, smooth, rich acai bowl that you can make super easily at home with hardly any sugar required.

Acai is packed with good fats such as omega 3,6, and 9 unlike any other berry it has a higher fat content than it does sugars.

It’s also packed with Anthocyanins which help to fight free radicals and lower inflammation in the body.

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Sugar-Free Creamy Collagen Acai

(Candida-friendly, Vegetarian, Low-FODMAP and Vegan options)



  • 2 tablespoons of acai powder with ½ cup of ice (OR 2 sachets of frozen acai)

  • ½ avocado

  • Nondairy milk of your choice (I prefer coconut or almond)

  • 1 serve collagen peptides or vegan protein (taste/consistency may vary depending on protein)


  • Blueberries

  • Raspberries

  • Coconut flakes

  • Cocoa nibs

  • Nut butter of choice, I prefer peanut or almond


  1. Combine the Avocado, acai and collagen/protein

  2. Add 2 tablespoons of non dairy milk, judging this based on how icy your acai is. I start with less, see how it blends and add more until it’s a thick creamy puree, but it shouldn’t be icy or too runny.

  3. Serve into your favourite bowl and cover with your favourite toppings. I love berries, nut butter and coconut. 


Avocado, 3-4 chunks of frozen coconut

With love,


Green Queen Bowl


The Signature Pumpkin Base Pizza