Vaginal wellness: The topic sex-ed forgot
“The female genitalia wasn’t given a name until the late 1680’s,
let alone studied and understood.”
Hi guys, I wanted to write this article super quick because these few tips have changed the game for me after years of drama down there, it is time to up our vagina care!
It really bothers me that the word “vagina” is still so taboo, cha cha, lady bits, vajayjay to name a few. I still catch myself when I’m out of period pants and need to run to the store for a quick pad grab making awkward conversation at the check-out, or when I go to the doctor and I’m thinking “dear god, don’t tell me it’s time for a pap smear.” It’s deeply interwoven in our society to keep your “cha cha” to yourself.
I hope that with blogs like this we can normalize talking about our vagina’s, buy feminine products anxiety free and look after ourselves as well as each other a little better.
She’s clean, relax
Seriously though, the vagina is a self-cleaning machine!
Never, ever, ever use your Palmolive body wash down there, it upsets the PH & microbiome (yes your vagina has its own community of happy inhabitants) less is more, a daily douche with warm water, a shower head (removable from the wall) for a rinse or the much underestimated vaginal health tool, the bath. Once a week soak in a nice warm (not hot) bath. If you’re having any vaginal health issues download my free Reproductive Health Ebook here
2. Got your period? Avoid the chemical cocktail.
The truth is regular pads and tampons are chemical cocktails. Your vagina is super permeable (that means anything you put in or on her can directly absorb through her delicate mucosal membrane into the blood stream) your vagina’s mucosa absorbs faster than your skin, so forget your moisturizer and opt for organic cotton, chemical free pads and tampons.
Or better yet try period underwear, it’s all I use, and it really works.
My favourite is Modi Bodi’s high waist sensual bikini brief, not sponsored, they get comfier each wash.
“It wasn’t until 1994 that the US mandated women to be included in scientific health studies.”
3. UTI’s suck
Seriously, why did no one in sex-ed say hey, women are 14 times more likely to get a Urinary tract infection because their urethra is shorter than men’s, hormones come into play and their anus is closer too. Make sure you pee after sex (I don’t care if you have to chug a glass when you’re feeling frisky), wipe from front (clitoris) to the back, get that Candida under control and stop eating damp, oily, heavy foods before bed. Oh & drink your water, okay.
(If this doesn’t help / resolve your issue, welcome to my world, we can explore this in another article, how I cleared my recurrent UTI’s & Interstitial cystitis diagnosis.)
4. Let her FREE!
She’s pretty much the only part of our body always in clothes, even if we don’t have a bra on chances are we have underwear on. In our society today it is so taboo to “go camo” but men seem to “free ball” all the time and its totally fine. So, if you’re at home, opt for undie less, if you’re in a maxi skirt or baggy tracksuit forget the undie step, she will thank you for it.
5. Is your underwear causing your issue?
Underwear these days is not classified by comfort or health but by “seamless” & invisible, coming from someone who must wear a seamless G string to set every day, it’s just not meant to be that way! G strings can severely irritate your perineum (delicate skin between your Vulva and Anus, causing small lesions over time that can contribute to conditions like Vulvodynia and Haemorrhoids, not so cute after all.
As someone that loves lingerie, I get the lingerie feeling so just opt for cotton over synthetic, bikini or Brazilian over a G string and make your everyday staples irritant free.
6. Hydration station
This needs no explanation; hydration is key to all health.
The more hydrated the less likely nasties will attach to your bladder wall and cause infection or discomfort. I carry a 1L bottle everywhere and aim to drink 4L a day.
7. Cut out the scents
We all love our clothes smelling good but synthetic fragrance host a list of irritating side effects so opt for natural washing powders, (I like the Eco fragrance free powder).
Once washed spray clothes with your favourite scent (I use a mist of Lavender and Eucalyptus) but never spritz my undies.
I hope these tips bring you closer to a calm, irritant free, female experience.
With love,