Skin issues? Methylation matters
Finally, methylation is the hype word it is meant to be!
“Methylation is involved in almost every bodily biochemical reaction, and occurs billions of times every second in our cells”
So, what exactly is it & why does it matter to you?
Very simply put (because theres a lot going on here), methylation is a process of making molecules more stable & useable by the body, this is important for a wide range of metabolic functions in the body.
It balances hormone and neurotransmitter activity, supports our bodies ability to detox efficently, regulates protein synthesis & supports cellular energy transfer. It processes and repairs DNA, supports the function of T-cells: the white blood cells that play a key role in your immune system. Methylation also assists in glutathione production which is our bodies master antioxidant.
“I spent years trying to work out why I was so healthy but with really backed up detox pathways, I had friends that would drink alcohol, smoke and live on fast food and seemed fine while I struggled.
It t
urns out I just had suboptimal Methylation”
Role of methylation
One of it’s main roles is in the process of recycling Homocysteine, without this process high levels of Homocysteine can contribute to inflammation, heart disease, autoimmunity, brain decline & if you’re experiencing a bunch of weird and wacky symptoms it probably contributes to those too. It’s one of those process’s in the body that is often missed by conventional doctors (like in my case) and underpins a whole variety of symptoms which come back to, poor Methylation.
Symptoms of poor or undermethylation (you can also be an overmethylator but thats another topic worth researching)
Low energy
OCD & perfectionism
Low mood & low serotonine + dopamine levels
Poor sleep
High Homocysteine on blood results
Lazy detox pathways; skin problems, lymphatic stagnation & a low immune system
Histamine issues & allergies
Protein related problems like problems building muscle mass and muscle strength
Digestive issues
For all of my Rosacea friends elevated histamine is also associated with undermethylation!
Causes of suboptimal methylation
MTHFR gene, you may have heard of this one. MTHFR is is gene mutation that effects our bodies methylation ability but just because you have MTHFR (like me) this doesn’t mean its the root cause or something that can’t be fixed, it simply means your body has a little extra trouble than others. Mold & toxin exposure, nutrient deficiencies, protein deficiencies, histamine overload (gut health related) and emotional trauma can all contribute to your bodies methylation status. Looking to trauma, we can see methylation as “our bodies ability to process what it needs effectively” if we have emotional stagnation and blockages these two can effect process’s like methylation.
Treatment through food
Methylation requires a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and cofactors and is essential to Liver detoxification, learn more in my eBook, heres some foods to include in your diet & why:
Pasture raised eggs; these are a great source of choline which is an important methyl donor
Beef Liver; B vitamins, Copper & Folate are essential methyl donors and enzyme supports
Grass fed Beef & Poultry; Methionine & B vitamins are central to Methylation
Quinoa & Root vegetables; Contain Betaine which is an important methylation cofactor
Pumpkin seeds & Oysters; Zinc is essential to our immune response but also in supporting enzyme production effecting our bodies ability to use methyl groups
Berries, Citrus, Herbs & Spices; Foods that support the production of Glutathione our master antioxidant
Cacao; Magnesium (essential to methylation but also just about every other bodily process)
My thoughts on supplementation…
When we take supplements we’re taking isolated high doses of specific vitamins, vitamins need specific enzymes and cofactors for their absorption (especially if you have poor absorption already) and too much of a good thing is still too much of a good thing, putting pressure on our already stressed out body to process it. This is why I love whole food supplements, food therapy and herbs because you’re getting an abundance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants with the specific vitamin you’re after in the way mother nature intended, the way your body can absorb it best. You’re also choosing a longterm solution not an expensive temporary fix.
I’m not saying I am anti supplements I think they’re a true blessing but they’re overused, for example; I find Magnesium, Vitamin C and occasionally Zinc hard to get the amount I need to feel my best. I supplement these with a bioavailable or whole food form but, where ever I can I will always start with food first.
Also, undermethylators are often highly sensitive to supplementation so start small, or start with food!
A big win for those with histamine intolerance
Have you been working on your histamine intolerance and nothing seems to help?
Well, maybe thats because it’s not the root of your issue, maybe nutrient deficiencies, suboptimal methylation, gut dysbiosis & emotional trauma are actually central to your symptoms. It sounds like a lot but it’s really not, it’s time to stop chasing our tails and focus on the root of whats causing us our discomfort, starting with understanding our methylation pathways!
Disclaimer: Always consult your primary care professional.
With love,