Cultivate a healthy relationship with social media

We all have things going on. Literally, everyone is dealing with something and that’s why we always need to be kind. Sometimes that something results in feeling anxious or overwhelmed but I believe there’s a reason for the unprecedented climb in anxiety related disorders worldwide.

Honestly, have you ever put your phone down for a couple days? Taken the weekend off? Had a social detox?

Well, I have, and I have to say my anxiety dramatically decreased!

The thing is, I believe this digital world we live in brings out whatever we’re feeling in that moment. For example, if you woke up feeling incredible, glowing, threw on an outfit that worked perfectly and had some great news that day, then you would probably hop on Instagram, upload a photo feeling confident and amazing and life would just continue. In contrast if you woke up that day feeling unwell, like you weren’t achieving enough, having a bad body image day and had just argued with your partner, then you’d probably end up aimlessly scrolling the feed in the hope that it would pep you up. Only to see everyone living their “perfect lives” in “perfect health” with “perfect bodies.”

Your current mental state interprets what you see on social media and compacts it into all the insecurities you’re currently feeling. It’s kind of like alcohol. Have you ever heard people say, “alcohol doesn’t bring out the worst in people, it emphasises whatever they’re already feeling in that moment, subconsciously or consciously.” It’s like going out and getting drunk after a breakup, with the best intentions you head out with the girls, everyone’s having a great time, you have a few too many drinks and you almost always end up in tears, calling your ex in the taxi home. In this same way, social media brings out whatever our conscious or subconscious mind is feeling in that moment. Our mind controls our reality, we can see the same photo on two different days and it will evoke a completely different feeling. One day the beautiful girl on Instagram has you thinking “wow she looks amazing”, whereas a few days later it could have you feeling disheartened and stuck in a negative self-image loop.

On top of that we always have someone else’s life to compare to if ours doesn’t seem to be going to plan. We always have brands telling us that we need newer shinier things, rather than just being grateful for what we do have. Not to mention as a society we’ve lost our way with role models, glamorizing TV celebrities and social media influencers over the people in our own world that really keep the earth beneath us beaming. I’m not here to say that social media is the devil. That would make me a hypocrite spending much of my time creating content for that platform. However I am here to say that social media has to be used in the right way. Akin to our relationships, we need to create and maintain firm boundaries, to engage with our core values and know when the relationship has become toxic.

Make a commitment to yourself.

  • Follow people that make you feel good, you do not HAVE to follow anyone and honestly if someone’s content makes you uncomfortable, mute or block them.

  • Find accounts that fuel your sunshine and fill you up with all the goodness.

  • Consciously check in with yourself - if you feel insecurity or negativity slip in, put your phone down.

  • Reduce aimless scrolling.

  • Go online with an intention (to get meal inspiration, find a new sweater, engage with a friend) and when you’ve achieved it, hop off.

  • Post content that aligns with your values. This is a big one for me and it took a long time to figure out what it was that I wanted to share or promote. From body positivity to healing and mental health but once I found those values my anxiety lifted because I was living in line with what really mattered to me.

  • Hop onto IGTV, it’s a whole separate app and I find sometimes the long form content has a lot more substance and depth, leaving me feeling fulfilled with what I learnt.

  • Make an online community, find fellow yogis, foodies, tech wizards or just sunshine enthusiasts. Surround yourself with a tribe that makes you feel loved.

  • Set yourself a “I’ll be off my phone by” on your phone. Mine is dinner time.

  • Remember that you’re uniquely you! You’re amazing and social media isn’t the real world. You can’t get a hug through a screen. I’ll try though, *squeeeeze*

With love,


Your Medicinal Pantry


Create Your Wakeup Ritual