You need to try movement meditation
A couple of months ago I shared my experience online about my transformational journey at a local women’s retreat.
Well, this retreat was hosted by the incredible woman I’m so excited to share with you today, Marley.
Creator of Woman of the wild retreats, it was there I rediscovered moving meditation or embodied movement, and it truly changed my world.
I felt old traumas come to the surface, I cried, wept and broke down, traumas my subconscious had buried so deep I wasn’t consciously aware they were still there. Through this moving meditation I found a huge release and so much healing, I knew I had to share it with all of you.
Embodied movement or flow is a blend of Somatics, mind-body connection and moving meditation, it feels like you’re transcending into the deepest meditation in action.
Our bodies physically store emotions, trauma and pain that’s one reason I value holistic medicine so much. It explores how these emotions and our state of mental health cause physical illness, you are your thoughts so, let’s learn to release them!
Meet, Marley.
I'm Marley, 28 years young and in love with all things bright, colourful, and WILD.
3 words I would use to describe myself would be – Deep, curious and openminded
I am a yoga teacher, free mover, truth-seeker, and a deep thinker.
I grew up surrounded by nature, it soothes my souls and is my biggest teacher.
I live for the ocean and to move my body in weird and wonderful ways!
Find Marley,
What is embodied movement to you?
Embodied movement is a practice that deeply connects me with the wisdom of my body
It allows me to tune into myself and any emotions that are present.
It helps me shift any heaviness or blockages I may be feeling. Find some guided videos here.
We store so much in our physical body and I truly believe we can shift anything and everything that no longer serves us with movement, breath and awareness!
How did it become one of your most powerful healing rituals?
I started dancing at the age of 4 and fell in love with movement and expression.
Even at a young age, I was aware of the depth of this practice.
I trained in all styles of dance until I was 20.
Then I was asked to join an agency and became a professional dancer,
It was a dream come true but I quickly learnt that the dance industry is brutal.
“I was never skinny enough
tall enough,
or flexible enough.”
So, after 3 years of blood sweat and tears, I quit, not because I gave up but because I wanted to reconnect with myself again.
I didn’t dance for 2 years and yoga became my place of healing, then I decided I was ready to dance again. Ready to un-train myself.
“I wanted to move because it felt good,
I wanted to let go of judgment and reconnect with expression.”
This is where I discovered embodied movement & my deepest healing. The best thing about moving meditation is the less training the better, there is no right way to move, it’s pure freedom.
How did embodied movement shift your relationship with your body?
When I was working as a professional dancer, I would train through exhaustion and through injuries. I was connected to my body but my mind-body connection was toxic.
I was always at war with my own body.
Angry at it for not being perfect.
I was always told to be better & made to feel I wasn’t good enough.
So, when I quit, I dedicated a whole year to self love.
Now I move with freedom,
I move from a deep place within,
I exercise and eat well because I love my body not because I hate it.
It was a journey and is a constant practice, but now I truly feel a deep connection and loving relationship with my body and my mind.
What do you find most healing about embodied movement and why?
In a world that is constantly trying to harden us and tell us that emotions should be hidden away.
Embodied movement is permission to feel everything.
To allow everything to rise to the surface.
If you feel sadness then feel it and let It move through you.
If you feel anger, feel it then shake it out and let it go.
This practice allows you to truly feel.
It gives you the power to transform anything and everything
So, you can come back to your center and feel clear once again
Mindfulness can sometimes feel overwhelming, we’re told to meditate, write affirmations, do breathwork and journal and for some people this can seem like a lot. Where can embodied movement fit into our busy schedules?
This journey of mindfulness and inner work can definitely be overwhelming at times.
Some days we feel inspired and other days we feel like tapping out and watching Netflix
And it’s all ok, we are only human!
The best place to start is right now, there is no ‘right’ way, just move, express, feel & let all that does not serve you go.
You can find Marley’s free videos here to help guide you through your first moving mediation.
Today’s affirmation; I am, free.
With love,