A day on Georgia’s plate

Hey guys,

I get so many questions about what I eat in a day so I wanted to share a few go-to meals for an average weekday.

We tend to experiment and cook more on the weekends, so during the week I have a bit more routine! That being said, it’s super important to note that I do not restrict myself or follow a diet, I eat intentionally based on my cycle, stress & what I feel like.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” - Hippocrates


I wake up and drink 500mls of warm (yes warm) or an adrenal cocktail to hydrate after a long night without fluids. Warm fluids are great to start detoxing and stimulating your digestion. You can read about adrenal cocktails here.

Sometimes I jump up and other times I drag myself out of bed. I always start with my Chinese herbal tea. I’m currently taking a bespoke formula to nurture my hormones, something I won’t share as everyone’s formula is so different but I’ll be able to point you in the right direction soon! If I don’t feel like my herbs or I’ve ran out, I like to drink nettle tea. Nettles have so many great health benefits; they’re strong antioxidant levels, help to fight oxidative stress, cleanse the bladder to prevent UTI’s, have antihistamine qualities (which are great for people with Rosacea or Hay fever), and are also used as an analgesic to relieve painful muscles and joints. I also just really enjoy the earthy taste!


I call this pre-breakfast also sometimes my afternoon go-to, if I need something straight away I’ll have:

  • Beef bone broth

  • 1 scoop of collagen

  • pinch of sea salt

I’m not someone that loves to have a full breakfast upon waking, that being said I do think it’s so important to give our body fuel before working out or opening our endless emails. A fueled body is a resilient body, a body that is capable of handling the stressors of the day and this is why it’s important that we don’t skip breakfast. Bone broth provides our Liver with Proline & Glycine essential amino acids that support detoxification and gut health, collagen provides more protein to support blood sugar before I work out and sea salt provides essential minerals lost through sweat & stress.



Breakfast, you’ve seen this on my Instagram a million times.

  • Roasted pumpkin prepared the night before, a raw carrot salad or buckwheat “oatmeal”

  • 6 fresh pan-fried Sardines or 3 eggs 3 whites with fresh garlic

  • Herb salad consisting of finely chopped Rocket and Parsley in lemon juice and Olive oil, prepared in bulk for the week usually on a Sunday. 

  • ¼ ish of Avocado smash or some fresh citrus

This breakfast keeps me full and satisfied, balanced with carbohydrates, protein, omega 3,6,9, antioxidants and whole food goodness. Sardines are often called “the perfect protein” one of the richest sources of calcium, good fats and a full amino acid profile.


Lunch is a tough one because honestly its always changing and is so often leftovers from the night before.

Regularly it’s chicken bone broth or congee you can find the recipe on my recipe page. I mostly stick to grain free options (aside from white rice) such as buckwheat cakes with different toppings, a crunchy Asian salad with chicken or a warm pumpkin and greens bowl.

I try and have a larger lunch to get me through the day.

Mid afternoon

We all get the 3pm craving crash. I usually tackle mine with a hot beverage and a date or two, papaya, lime & salt (I love), raw goat yogurt or sometimes I’ll make a slice, but it never lasts long. Lately I’ve swapped my morning smoothie to the afternoon and gone for something warm instead like another bone broth or collagen hot chocolate with a side of yogurt.


I’m a total stir fry girl. They’re so easy, always taste good, are easy to change up with the flavours or the proteins, and are so easy to meal prep. They always keep well in the fridge too. If I’m not having this I’ll have homemade meat balls, chickpea flat breads, steamed veggies, fish & roasted potatoes, I keep it really simple with a protein, fat & vegetables.

My combo of choice lately has been Tamari fish, turkey or beef with Asian greens, which is the easiest thing to make. 

  • Chop carrot, cabbage, snap peas and daikon (Asian radish)

  • Slice the protein and cook with a clove of garlic and gluten free Tamari or coconut aminos. For low fodmap you can use garlic oil instead or just opt for the green of a shallot.

  • Add the vegetables, along with some fresh grated ginger at the end of your cooking and a little more Tamari.

  • And you’re good to go, ready to eat in 15 mins.

Dessert or snacks 

Heavily impartial to coconut cream sorbet, dark chocolate or a collagen hot chocolate!

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With love,


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