G’s Wholesome Chicken Soup


Soups and broths have been staples throughout history in various cultures around the world because of their nurturing nature and affordability to make. However, it wasn’t until five or so years ago that bone broth took on a whole new meaning in the west, promoted for it’s ability to heal the gut issues that so many of us suffer with. This recipe is perfect for cold/flu season, post-partum mums or if you just find yourself run down and in need of extra immune support. 

Bone broths are nutrient dense, easy to digest, and a rich source of my three G’s Glycine, Glutamine & Glucosamine which are often suggested to people with chronic inflammation and joint pain. Bone broth also reduces permeability of the gut membrane, soothing and nourishing the gut lining to help healing of chronic issues like ‘leaky gut’. 

G's Wholesome Chicken Soup 1

G’s Wholesome Chicken Soup

(Candida-friendly, Nourishing)

G's Wholesome Chicken Soup 2


  • Slow cooker


  • One whole pasture-raised chicken; including organs optional.

  • Filtered water

  • 1 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tbsp ACV


  • Both broth (see above)

  • 8 small Chicken thighs or 6 large

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 onion

  • 3 large carrots

  • 1 leg of celery

  • ½ tablespoon of grated fresh ginger

  • 1-2 cinnamon sticks (my favourite ingredient as it gives the grounding full flavour. Try just 1 stick if you’re not a big fan.)


  1. To limit waste, I like to buy a whole pastured chicken, roast it with my favourite herbs, olive oil and filled with citrus fruits to retain moisture, have a roast dinner that night and then use the bones to make a bone broth the next morning.

  2. I use a slow cooker (the best investment I ever made) fill with water until the bones are covered, add sea salt as it helps to pull out nutrients, pepper (if you wish) and cook on slow for 8 hours. When that times up I pour the broth through a strainer until just the broth is left. Add half the broth back into the slow cooker as the soup ingredients will raise the water level. 

  3. Add vegetables in no order until the broth is filled with an abundance, add chicken thighs, garlic, ginger, cinnamon ensuring the broth still covers all ingredients and if not add more of your broth back in or top with water.

  4. With the left-over broth, freeze it ready for another soup! I find I can get away with half broth and half water to make this soup.

  5. Add another teaspoon of salt, give it a stir and pop on the lid, cook for 8 hours on low.

  6. At 8 hours check the soup, if the onions haven’t almost dissolved, vegetables soft and meat falling apart I sometimes pressure cook the soup for an additional hour. This is a setting on the crockpot that I use, so it’s easy to do.

  7. Remove cinnamon sticks and serve, enjoy a hearty, gut healing, warming chicken soup with your friends, family or just for you.


No garlic, no onion, use the green end of shallots to get an onion like flavour and use garlic infused oil when roasting your chicken this will carry through to the soup. The celery amount in this soup is fine but if concerned use half celery and more carrots.

With love,


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