Hormone chaos or mineral imbalance

I spent years going from practitioner to practitioner & diet to diet on the quest to balance my hormones, what I learned was I was chasing an uphill problem instead of addressing the root cause.

When I opened the clinic and started working with clients I saw similar stories to mine “no matter what my hormones just won’t regulate, I take so many supplements and I don’t know if they’re even doing anything” etc etc, this made me wonder, what is the real problem here?

I took a deep dive into the ‘foundational medicine’ world, the idea of addressing the body from the ground up and discovered the importance of minerals. We all know minerals are essential and to take electrolytes if you’ve had too much sun or gone for a long run but beyond that they’re ignored, which I now know is completely bananas.. 

Your minerals are everything, let’s discover why.

The spark plugs of the cell

Minerals are the ‘spark plugs of the cell,’ if we go to the very root of how our body creates energy, maintains homeostasis, supports our metabolism and overall cellular function it all starts with minerals. Minerals serve as cofactors for enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions, they’re literally the spark plugs of the cell, when they’re out of balance everything up stream like hormone balance, memory, digestive function, mood & energy levels like a domino effect become out of balance too.


How to know if you have a mineral imbalance?

You can check your levels on blood tests but this can be unreliable, I recommend you run a HTMA (Hair tissue mineral analysis) to look into tissue rather than blood results, this also looks at heavy metals. I started offering HTMA in my clinic after realizing what a great tool it is alongside herbal medicine as both offerings look to the root of your imbalances through different lenses. 

If you would like to inquire about becoming a client, reach out here.

What causes mineral imbalance?

  • Modern farming

  • Mineral deficient soils

  • Hormonal birth control

  • Nutrient deplete diets

  • Heavy metal exposures

  • Certain medications like antacids & diuretic

  • Taking the wrong supplements (more on this below)

Test or guess?

The deeper I flow into the world of foundational medicine the more I realize two things:

  • If you’re in touch with your intuition your body knows what it needs

  • Testing when necessary can be a really helpful tool

Yes they’re contradictory but, here is my take on this. Often I see people craving the foods they need, cacao & dark chocolate if they’re magnesium deficient, bananas and potatoes if they’re low in potassium and anything salty when their adrenals are screaming for help. So often our body knows what it needs but, in our modern society of synthetic foods, constant stimulation and gut imbalances that intuition can often be clouded by toxins making us crave what those toxins want eg: Candida and parasites making you crave sugar or food additives making you crave packaged junk. So, often it’s just better to test and even if you’re really in tune with your body I do find the HTMA’s view of minerals & metals to be really insightful. This is because the HTMA provides a 3 month view rather than a snapshot like a blood test, it’s also much more affordable & accurate than other tests. 

If you’re experiencing hormone imbalance or burn out, focus on getting an abundance of minerals in your diet.

Try this mineral rich adrenal cocktail to get you started.

With love in vibrant health,


Nature's Gatorade: Sweet & Salty Adrenal Tonic


Chinese Herbal Dermatology: A guide to clear skin